posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +32 / -2

The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men, Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ? — John 4:28 & 29

A few weeks ago, I drove past a place of business that had a sign out front like many others. They were needing workers and decided to post a sign. The language on the sign was advertising the salaries they offered, a sign-on bonus, and one key statement that caught my attention.

It was a nice salary, a nice sign-on bonus, and apparently great benefits. There was just one catch. To get all those benefits, you had to be qualified. The sign specified that these things were only for those who were qualified to have them.

As I reflected on those words, I was drawn back to these verses in John 4. It is so easy in life to fall into the trap that we are not good enough. It’s so easy for Satan to use circumstances to convince us that God would never want to use us. He wants us to believe that God is not interested, that we are not good enough, and that we could never be qualified to be used by God.

The truth is, God can use anyone! Take a look at the woman Jesus was talking to. She was a Samaritan woman that was thought of as second class to the rest of the Jews. Jesus shared how she had multiple husbands. While we don’t know the circumstances, we do know from the customs of the day it was most likely due to death, improper conduct on her behalf, or even that she was married to multiple men at once. If ever anyone should have been considered unusable, most would say she was not qualified.

I’m so glad that God is not looking for extravagant qualifications for His work. He is looking for someone who has given their life to Him and is willing to serve. We see that this woman set everything aside and ran to tell others about Jesus. In verse 39, we learn that many came to trust in Jesus that day because of this woman.

Don’t ever think that God cannot use you. Don’t fall for the lie. It doesn’t matter what you have done in the past. God still has a place and a purpose for each of us. Yes, God can use you!

Jared Dyson