People on dose 3 have AIDS, those on two doses may develop it also. Two days ago the CDC removed the section in their mRNA vaccine page that says the mRNA and spike proteins don't stay in the body for long, that means that they know now that they do. The UK vaccine surveillance report showed vaccinated infections rising to double, triple, and quadruple rates before they pulled that section of data and that was right about the time it became apparent you were more likely to die from COVID if you had been vaccinated. But buried down toward the bottom of that report is a little gem: the prevalence of the antibody produced by exposure to the spike protein made by the vaccine. That number has been at 100% for about a year now. That means 100% of people tested have that antibody, which means they never find anyone who DOESN'T have that antibody. Vaxxtards making the spike protein forever means they exhaust their immune systems, which means all kinds of disease and vastly increased chance of cancer. It also means they basically have to be exhaling those spike proteins and you're sucking them up, but it's not nearly as bad for you as it is for them.
So it's not just an "I told you so" coming up, it's you and me having to deal with 30% of the world population dying at a massively increased rate and then another 40% after that possibly following afterward.
People on dose 3 have AIDS, those on two doses may develop it also. Two days ago the CDC removed the section in their mRNA vaccine page that says the mRNA and spike proteins don't stay in the body for long, that means that they know now that they do. The UK vaccine surveillance report showed vaccinated infections rising to double, triple, and quadruple rates before they pulled that section of data and that was right about the time it became apparent you were more likely to die from COVID if you had been vaccinated. But buried down toward the bottom of that report is a little gem: the prevalence of the antibody produced by exposure to the spike protein made by the vaccine. That number has been at 100% for about a year now. That means 100% of people tested have that antibody, which means they never find anyone who DOESN'T have that antibody. Vaxxtards making the spike protein forever means they exhaust their immune systems, which means all kinds of disease and vastly increased chance of cancer. It also means they basically have to be exhaling those spike proteins and you're sucking them up, but it's not nearly as bad for you as it is for them.
So it's not just an "I told you so" coming up, it's you and me having to deal with 30% of the world population dying at a massively increased rate and then another 40% after that possibly following afterward.