wQkeAF 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump survives the assassination attempt - at a rally that msnbc and cnn decided to air for the first time all year.

Biden “tests positive” for covid

Crowdstrike test outage immediately after Trump’s speech and Nessun Dorma closed out the convention

Sheila Jackson Lee dies

What other comms am I missing?

Now through inauguration day 2025 (and probably beyond) are gonna be lit 🔥 🍿

wQkeAF 1 point ago +1 / -0

The shills can keep fucking around. But they’re about to find out

wQkeAF 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep, Paul Ryan and all the other RINO traitors

wQkeAF 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, I want vengeance.

If they were successful in taking Trump out, WE would ALL be next.

Play time is over. All traitors get the rope

wQkeAF 7 points ago +7 / -0

Very interesting name

“Mark” “Violets”

That feels very much like subtext

wQkeAF 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope this is the media’s final nail in their coffin

wQkeAF 6 points ago +6 / -0

This LITERALLY changes absolutely everything

wQkeAF 18 points ago +18 / -0

PRAY THAT HE IS OK - reports saying it grazed his ear.


Video footage shows Trump escorted to vehicle by secret service agents, police; he is seen raising fist in the air as he gets in car — Reuters



But these demonic evil motherfuckers just made him a living martyr

wQkeAF 8 points ago +8 / -0

Right - that stuck out to me as well.

It’s 2024 and to, 1) still test for covid, and 2) announce that you’re asymptomatic and/or have mild symptoms seems completely bizarre — especially when the CDC crooks said treat it like a regular cold and dropped the isolation requirement. So there’s no point in virtue signaling

What is the point of announcing this?!

wQkeAF 15 points ago +15 / -0

She’s a lefty loon who woke up to the covid hysteria, but still has stage 5 TDS. She lost her ever loving shit when Desantis dropped out, leaving Trump as the nominee 😂 (she was a Desantis supporter because of his perceived covid policies).

She muted me on twitter for disagreeing with her defense of prescribing Ozempic for weight loss and especially after I shared a link to the drug’s side effects - which is the 1st stated warning on the Ozempic site - that it can cause thyroid cancer, along with my additional thoughts on why it was dangerous, and pointing out how strange it is that doctors never seem to recommend exercise, dietary changes, vitamins and natural supplements, and are so quick to write prescriptions, for weight loss or other conditions.

She said she looked at my profile and it’s no wonder I was incapable of understanding her very intelligent POV… then she added, “annnnd you’re muted” 😂

Translation: I’m conservative and a Trump supporter, and therefore my opinion should be dismissed outright

wQkeAF 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have you seen all the videos of how advanced and convincing masks have become that have floating around on social?

Have you seen the video of Biden scratching the back of his neck, and it leaving an indentation?

wQkeAF 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agree, not sure about Bill. But i’ve been convinced the real Hillary has been taken care of since Melania posted that Christmas tree ornament tweet, “evergreen hung” in either 2020, or 2019. That just felt like serious comms.

wQkeAF 7 points ago +8 / -1

Ok, forget the fact that his face and features have altered significantly since his time as VP with Obama (and surely you’ve been exposed to those comparison photos online - and if not, u/PandaMoon17 has graciously shared one such example).

Forget all that…

How many people do you know whose skin is so malleable that their chin randomly takes on different shapes, and then snaps back into place the next day?

C’mon man! https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cyo2c5MuTlX/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

wQkeAF 13 points ago +13 / -0

Wouldn’t we all like to know!

I think however they dispose of “Biden” will be very telling as to how things ended with the real Biden.

Meaning, did he cooperate? If so, will he get a fake “dignified” funeral, wrinkled flag and all, like McCain and Bush senior?

I truly hope not! I hate the idea of the bulk of the population believing he was just uncle Joe from Scranton who meant well and was so much better than literally hitler orange man bad. But dang it, the dementia caused him to make bad decisions.

He is a traitor and pedophile, and doesn’t deserve a dignified legacy.

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