Curious if we might see some sacrificial lambs brought forth…seems like the logical thing to do if you were in their shoes. Which is an opportunity to flip them to turn on their handlers. Thoughts?
I think they might. Especially when it seems clear this was a small group acting independently of the DOJ on behalf of Hillary…gotta deter those wandering off the reservation. 2 birds 1 stone here.
Perhaps some of the Whitmer hoax boys are gonna go down?
I am not a lawyer but if the 'new' US Congress does their job, NO ONE in a top 50 COMMAND of the US Military, DOJ, FBI, CIA, DEA, IRS or Secrete Service should be allowed to Keep their jobs, and EVERY single one should have to explain why they allowed this OBVIOUS Treason/liberal/communist COUP. IF THIS does not happen, the Constitution no longer exists and LAWs Mean Nothing. That is called Anarchy.