I posted a couple of months ago asking for prayers, my special needs son who is not obese was diagnosed type 1 diabetic. My second post about it was after blood testing the doctors were baffled he was not type 1, but type 2.
Happy to say he is off insulin now and numbers are staying low. He does take Metformin.
The point of this post is he has no reason to have type 2 diabetes. Except one, he has a complicated medical history and has some brain damage from it. During this time he had some anger issues. The doctors prescribed anti-depressant lexapro. We went along with it, was concerned with his anger.
We weened him off of this medication upon the news of type 2. From research into this drug I am convinced it caused his blood sugar issues. We will attempt to ween off metformin and see if he no longer has any issues after getting off lexapro.
Anti-depressants like lexapro are prescribed at extremely high levels in our society. Diabetes has increased along with it. This is just another example of big pharma and the cdc pushing treatments that are unnecessary and dangerous.
For background see this link
thanks for the reply, sorry to hear what you are going through. It is difficult. My son had a stroke during birth, developed a rare epilepsy that ended his REM sleep for years, which hurt his cognition. He had brain surgery that fixed the epilepsy. Is 14 and developing as best he can, can read, write and do some math. It has been a long road and will continue, he will be with me as long as we both are alive.
We can only do our best, and sounds like that is what you are doing. If you can find physical activity for her that helps, we found a special needs personal trainer, my son sees him once a week or so. Also, try to find some other special needs families around you, if you can find good ones try to get your daughter have some activities with others like her.
And pray for strength. God bless you.