Three types of Jabs
- Saline solution (for the ppl they don't want dead or damaged in any way and also used for plausible deniability)
- Destroys fertility (white ppl and plausible deniability)
- Death jab (For those deemed worthless like the old or mentally handicapped)
Percentage of types
- 10%
- 40%
- 60% (In this category all jabs will kill but, set in specific times related to the multiplying rate in nano bots)
2/3rd (or slightly more) of those who took that the jab (with or with out a booster) will die. Period
Percentage of total population (U.S) that will be dead following now and into the next year: 15%
Death toll in numbers: 48,795,000 (U.S)
cuz they snatch'um outta their ass