I was going to purchase an whole array of solar panels (a 80,000 dollar purchase) but after reading pages of pages fine print of the contract and then being LEGALLY lied to by the sales person, I decided not to and here's why. (I'm going to make this as short as I can but, still giving key points as I understand them)
- If you miss out on the payment of your solar panels, They try to put you at ease by telling you that they (company who sells you the solar panels) won't put a lean on your house but, the loaning company will.
- My objective was to buy solar panels so I didn't have to rely on the grid, not because of climate scam. Well, guess what? The local power company commandeers the power you stored or are generating during a blackout. Your access to your OWN power depends on the whim of your local power company.
- By law you cannot disconnect from the power grid.
- You have to have wi-fi so your local power company can control your own panels
- The percentage of the your battery storage limit is at the discretion of your local power company
- The salesperson does not represent the company. They are essential outside contractors. So they can make any claim that they want without the company being held liable.
- The local power company buys the energy from you at 10% of the value of the power generated
There is more but, I hope these reasons alone will convince you NOT to get solar panels
Solar is still a rip off. The panels are dirty on environment. Can they even be recycled yet? Or are they like the wind turbines? A Monument to the merry -go-fucking the cabal gives us?
No, solar panels cannot be recycled. In fact they are so toxic that a special dump sites have to be made for them. Same with the batteries.You pay the special dumping bill
The solar panel themselves last about 30-40 years (so they told me) but degrades in performance.
Cleaning the dirt off of solar panels are the owners responsibility (rightly so)
The storage batteries last about 25 years but, again their storage capacity is lessened for every passing year.
After 10 years the performance is shitty!
From what I read from customer reviews and what the solar panel companies claim, are two different things.