Thank you for posting this very educational 11 minute film. Farmers, the “salt of the earth”, are leading the way again!
A Nebraska State Senator is working to legislate the RIGHT TO REPAIR. High dollar farm machinery can become throwaway equipment without owners having access to the software that runs it.
Thought provoking points…..
Now John Deere is talking about going all electric. How well do you think that is going to work during harvest when farmers are running 16 hour days, far away from any electric plug in? The fact that they have the MONOPOLY on the repairs is how you screw your customers. It’s like an Apple computer except these things are $490K.
Thank you for posting this very educational 11 minute film. Farmers, the “salt of the earth”, are leading the way again! A Nebraska State Senator is working to legislate the RIGHT TO REPAIR. High dollar farm machinery can become throwaway equipment without owners having access to the software that runs it. Thought provoking points…..
Now John Deere is talking about going all electric. How well do you think that is going to work during harvest when farmers are running 16 hour days, far away from any electric plug in? The fact that they have the MONOPOLY on the repairs is how you screw your customers. It’s like an Apple computer except these things are $490K.