I believe it is more like 15 to 18%. They cheated and still lost. Now her and the like know how reviled they truly are. You'd think that would change her stance or her ways? Not at all. Now she hates us more than ever. How dare we peasants defy her!!! is the attitude she now has. She is surrounded by yesmen, most of her life, if not all of it. Now her take on reality is shattered. Like the Hilder Beast before her, she thinks she can wait this one out, but that too is an illusion. She will be hated for the rest of her wretched life. I say to her, enjoy your money you have stolen from us and also live with the utter hatred you have reaped as well.
liz cheney is one that has as much chance to make Heaven as a camel does in making it through the eye of a needle...right along with her pos dad...good riddance...stay gone
I believe it is more like 15 to 18%. They cheated and still lost. Now her and the like know how reviled they truly are. You'd think that would change her stance or her ways? Not at all. Now she hates us more than ever. How dare we peasants defy her!!! is the attitude she now has. She is surrounded by yesmen, most of her life, if not all of it. Now her take on reality is shattered. Like the Hilder Beast before her, she thinks she can wait this one out, but that too is an illusion. She will be hated for the rest of her wretched life. I say to her, enjoy your money you have stolen from us and also live with the utter hatred you have reaped as well.
liz cheney is one that has as much chance to make Heaven as a camel does in making it through the eye of a needle...right along with her pos dad...good riddance...stay gone