So the backrubs and hotdogs comments started six years ago. Then, there isn't another mention for a year, when someone mentioned air-cooled porche 911s and thrash metal nights, along with hotdogs and backrubs. Another user claimed to swim "a very long way" for the hot dogs.
There's no deeper meaning here. It's just people who enjoy posting weird things on the internet. Probably concerted on an image board somewhere.
I'll take the downvotes. I stand by what I said. Pointing out facts here is just like pointing out facts in lefty land. No one wants to hear them if they don't confirm what they already believe.
So the backrubs and hotdogs comments started six years ago. Then, there isn't another mention for a year, when someone mentioned air-cooled porche 911s and thrash metal nights, along with hotdogs and backrubs. Another user claimed to swim "a very long way" for the hot dogs.
There's no deeper meaning here. It's just people who enjoy posting weird things on the internet. Probably concerted on an image board somewhere.
Lol, occams razor doesnt apply in GAW land!
I'll take the downvotes. I stand by what I said. Pointing out facts here is just like pointing out facts in lefty land. No one wants to hear them if they don't confirm what they already believe.
Give me some more downvotes.
I wear them like badges of honor. For clarity, I'm with you on this.