The number eight is of special importance for Christianity for several reasons. Jesus was eight days old when he was named and circumcised (as a Jew) and the New Testament suggests that circumcision is the Jewish equivalent of baptism.
Also known as the Star of Redemption (and sometimes Regeneration as eight is known to represent regeneration in general) the eight-pointed star represents the act of baptism in Christianity. This is considered to be the reason why octagonal bases have been used while building many of the baptismal fonts.
If we draw the symbol of Number 8 on its side it becomes the symbol of Infinity.
The Kabbalah Tree of Life shows us that Number 8 relates to The Moon. The symbolism above is continued by the Moon Cycles being a "reflection" of The Sun, as well as, in turn, having influence on Earth. "As above. So Below".
In Numerology, the word “God” reduces to Number 8 (7 + 6 + 4 = 1 + 7 = 8). We can see how this conforms with the principle of control of material affairs and The Laws of Nature.
Samuel Goldwin (Film producer & studio executive. Leo), Gene Kruper (Dance Band Drummer – rhythm behind the music. Capricorn), Rocky Marciano (Boxing Champion in a “square ring”. Virgo), Douglas Macarthur (WWII US General. Controller of men. Aquarius), G. A. Nasser (revolution to make Egypt a republic), George Orwell (Novelist. “1984” –novel about control by ‘Big Brother’ – ultimate control by The State. Cancer), George Patten (US General. Scorpio), F. Daryl Zanuck (20th. Century Fox president. Scorpio), Mary Baker Eddy (Christian Science Founder. Cancer), Pope John Paul II (Taurus).
You can also go look into Triangle Symbolisms. I'm not smart enough to know what they call that type of triangle with the bottom pointed inwards. It could also be 3 triangles (top, two bottom). It's not your basic Illuminati triangle, but I could be wrong.
Triangles in dreams represent hidden mysteries, wisdom, and finding balance and harmony within conflicting aspects of yourself. It can also be related to transformation and change during a challenging time.
These are just shallow quick searches to satisfy initial curiosity. Go look for yourself if you want to delve deeper.
Quick references about the star I found. Can't verify myself but you can use it as a starting point for your own search.
8-point star -
8 points or the number 8 in symbolism -
You can also go look into Triangle Symbolisms. I'm not smart enough to know what they call that type of triangle with the bottom pointed inwards. It could also be 3 triangles (top, two bottom). It's not your basic Illuminati triangle, but I could be wrong.
Triangle in dreams -
These are just shallow quick searches to satisfy initial curiosity. Go look for yourself if you want to delve deeper.