Hmm. You want to see politics? Check out Central Arizona Project. My family in New Mexico has been fighting for Gila river water since the late 50's by an initiative launched by Morris Udall and Barry Goldwater. This is BIG for southwestern New Mexico and could stop some more dumb-assed legislation for the sole purpose of wasting the money set aside for ACTUALLY RETAINING SOME 134,000 ACRE-FEET PER YEAR! THANK YOU! This info has been forwarded to the appropriate eyes.
Hmm. You want to see politics? Check out Central Arizona Project. My family in New Mexico has been fighting for Gila river water since the late 50's by an initiative launched by Morris Udall and Barry Goldwater. This is BIG for southwestern New Mexico and could stop some more dumb-assed legislation for the sole purpose of wasting the money set aside for ACTUALLY RETAINING SOME 134,000 ACRE-FEET PER YEAR! THANK YOU! This info has been forwarded to the appropriate eyes.
...where we howl 1, we howl all....