posted ago by SovereignSon ago by SovereignSon +21 / -1

"There are two voices abroad in the land today. Each of these voices purports to be the voice of the Spirit of God. One of these voices rings out loud and clear, “Come out of her, my people!” The other voice issues forth from the mouths of men who profess to be Spirit-filled, tongues-speaking, Holy Ghost anointed leaders, teachers, apostles, and prophets of the Charismatic Movement, exhorting the people, “Stay in her, my people!” “Stay in your denomination, for, after all,” they croon, “the Holy Spirit will make you a better Methodist, a better Baptist, a better Presbyterian, a better Catholic — a BETTER BABYLONIAN!” You will have to write a very large book, my brother or sister, if you are going to convince me that this voice is the voice of the Holy Spirit, for it requires but little of the spirit of wisdom and revelation from God to discern which of these voices is the voice of the Spirit and which is the voice of the beast which has two horns as a lamb, but speaks as a dragon. The voice which urges people to remain in Mystery Babylon is unquestionably the voice of rebellion and blasphemy against the clear word of the Lord! “Come out” never means “stay in!” I have no hesitation whatever in declaring to you that God is not today in the business of blessing, renewing, or perfecting Mystery Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. He is in the business of calling out a people for His name, that is, to take His name, to be a bride unto Him. He is in the business of gathering together unto HIM. He is in the business of washing, cleansing, and sanctifying the virgin bride of Christ. He is in the business of building and preparing and adorning the HOLY CITY, NEW JERUSALEM!"

Much more in the text:
