Even the gayses people are fed up...
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I think there’s a lot more out there than you know who politically align. One of the major red flags for me when this all started was remembering my uncles stories from the 70’s, he was in NYC. Fauci was tied to the aids epidemic. He has now lost about 75% of his friends from aids. I try to look at it from the 40,000 ft view. If this is the great awakening, there are three demographics that the Democratic Party typically target. Spanish, black, and gay. First the BTQ movement, then the minor attracted, then trans surgeries (especially on children) and now monkeypox. I wonder if it isn’t a way to wake up the gay community. I know plenty of black people who didn’t agree with the BLM protests.
The problem is that it's the same as any other liberal propaganda. My "normal" gay friends are against this crap and very vocal about it. I don't have "woke" gay friends, because everything for those kinds of people tends to be "gay this", "pride that." They go to drag shows and speak with faggy voices, and uses phrases like "Yaaas queen, slay!" and it makes me want to toss them into a vat of molten plastic.
Do you think those people, who are single minded in their "gayness", will isten to those of us who are gay but respectful to others? Those of us who don't talk about it unless asked, and who maintain private lives without causing uproar? Of course not. And since the media doesn't talk about us, and forums like this don't believe there are many of us, it creates a self-fulfilling prophecy wherein we are perceived to be non-existent. But we exist, and we're waiting for the day of the rope as much as anyone, so we can put an end to this nonsense.
The only problem is that the rhetoric here makes me worry that I might be targeted even though I've never hurt anybody. I hope I don't have to switch sides out of self-preservation.
There are going to be extremes in every demographic. Especially in this climate. My uncle likes to describe what you’re saying as the old gays vs the new gays. I honestly don’t think people care about race, sexual preference, etc. until it’s pushed down their throats or they are made to feel bad about their own identity. As we know, it’s a way to divide. I’m sure you have more frens that not on this forum. You got me for sure!