I was thinking that too. This reminds me of a scene in the movie "A Man For All Seasons." It is about Sir Thomas More who defied King Henry VIII over Henry's dispute with the Catholic Church. In the end, More was executed for his stand on principle, but in a telling scene More is confronted by a false witness who testified against More with false information. The witness' reward was to be made a government appointee to Wales, a fairly backward portion of England at the time.
Knowing that the false testimony would lead to his own death, More tells the witness "I have heard of men selling their souls for the world... but WALES?!"
And then there is this: “Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder. ” ― George Washington
Sir Thomas More was no saint and neither was King Henry VIII.
Before King Henry VIII declared himself Supreme Head of the Church of England, he was a Roman Catholic through and through, and Sir Thomas More was second in command.
Sir Thomas More persecuted and burned many Protestants alive.
More expressed his loyalty to Rome in a situation he had no chance of surviving by saying something differently. His legacy is his martyrdom for Mystery Babylon.
What does it profit a man...
I was thinking that too. This reminds me of a scene in the movie "A Man For All Seasons." It is about Sir Thomas More who defied King Henry VIII over Henry's dispute with the Catholic Church. In the end, More was executed for his stand on principle, but in a telling scene More is confronted by a false witness who testified against More with false information. The witness' reward was to be made a government appointee to Wales, a fairly backward portion of England at the time.
Knowing that the false testimony would lead to his own death, More tells the witness "I have heard of men selling their souls for the world... but WALES?!"
And then there is this: “Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder. ” ― George Washington
Sir Thomas More was no saint and neither was King Henry VIII.
Before King Henry VIII declared himself Supreme Head of the Church of England, he was a Roman Catholic through and through, and Sir Thomas More was second in command.
Sir Thomas More was an inquisitor.
More got killed so he's already got the moral high ground.
Sir Thomas More persecuted and burned many Protestants alive.
More expressed his loyalty to Rome in a situation he had no chance of surviving by saying something differently. His legacy is his martyrdom for Mystery Babylon.
For this is the whole purpose of man, to love God and keep His Words. Eccl