Gregg where ya at!? THIS is how it's done. Fuck your "open source" vetted-user paid membership site and learn from Mike! BitTorrent isn't new! Learn it!
I love Mike Lindell - thank you! I have to admit I had slightly low expectations for Moment of Truth after the rather disappointing Cyber Symposium. But this has been amazing! There are SOOOO MANY great speeches in this conference that are normie-reachable!
The State of the States segment was clear enough to understand I had one of my fence-sitting former libtard friends watch it - within 10 minutes he was saying "holy shit we need to fix this now, I don't know that I'll agree 2020 was stolen but this is scary AF I didn't know it was this easily possible"
Fence sitters will fence sit - can't expect too much at once but I thought his willingness to even say that was pretty impressive especially considering he's not a normie Republican but a former Bernie bruh.
Thank you Mike! And for funding The Selection Code and releasing it for FREE! What a MAGA move!
Gregg where ya at!? THIS is how it's done. Fuck your "open source" vetted-user paid membership site and learn from Mike! BitTorrent isn't new! Learn it!
I love Mike Lindell - thank you! I have to admit I had slightly low expectations for Moment of Truth after the rather disappointing Cyber Symposium. But this has been amazing! There are SOOOO MANY great speeches in this conference that are normie-reachable!
The State of the States segment was clear enough to understand I had one of my fence-sitting former libtard friends watch it - within 10 minutes he was saying "holy shit we need to fix this now, I don't know that I'll agree 2020 was stolen but this is scary AF I didn't know it was this easily possible"
Fence sitters will fence sit - can't expect too much at once but I thought his willingness to even say that was pretty impressive especially considering he's not a normie Republican but a former Bernie bruh.
Thank you Mike! And for funding The Selection Code and releasing it for FREE! What a MAGA move!
"sigh ...." sounds like a typical redditor comment that's about all I know
oh you meant that literally.... how the turn tables .... I'm an asshole I'm sorry