Every US President who's ever been elected has royal blood, and the candidate with the most royal blood has won every time, Donald Trump being no exception.
(Note: I want to qualify that this statement was true up until 2016, and haven't sourced Biden's family tree yet to verify if it was true in 2020 as well.)
Obama had more royal blood through the Dunham side of his family than either Mitt Romney or John McCain.
John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and his wife Kathryn Swynford, were the great grandparents of both Hillary and Trump. I've read Joe Biden is also related to Trump through this line, but not sure if Biden has more royal blood.
So, it's possible you have to meet those qualifications to even get a chance to do what we think Trump is doing, and it may be why he was chosen by the Q group in the first place.
Every US President who's ever been elected has royal blood, and the candidate with the most royal blood has won every time, Donald Trump being no exception.
(Note: I want to qualify that this statement was true up until 2016, and haven't sourced Biden's family tree yet to verify if it was true in 2020 as well.)
Obama had more royal blood through the Dunham side of his family than either Mitt Romney or John McCain.
John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and his wife Kathryn Swynford, were the great grandparents of both Hillary and Trump. I've read Joe Biden is also related to Trump through this line, but not sure if Biden has more royal blood.
So, it's possible you have to meet those qualifications to even get a chance to do what we think Trump is doing, and it may be why he was chosen by the Q group in the first place.