What evidence do we have that anything we believe is exactly the way we think it is?
All I have to go on is my own discernment when taking in what others have to say, and the one person that I'm most interested in following is talking about things that make what's happening on the geo-political scene more or less moot.
I'm still interested in those things, but from a different perspective. There's no anxiety about outcome for me, only about being able to tolerate life in what's left of 3D. The Light wins. God wins...it's already done. We just wait now for the truth of our existence to become widely known.
Understood, but my point is that we go on faith for the vast majority of things that we believe are true. I don't think it makes us look bad to think outside the box and consider that there's just a epic magnitude of things we don't know about our planet, our existence, and our reality.
What evidence do we have that anything we believe is exactly the way we think it is?
All I have to go on is my own discernment when taking in what others have to say, and the one person that I'm most interested in following is talking about things that make what's happening on the geo-political scene more or less moot.
I'm still interested in those things, but from a different perspective. There's no anxiety about outcome for me, only about being able to tolerate life in what's left of 3D. The Light wins. God wins...it's already done. We just wait now for the truth of our existence to become widely known.
Don't shift the conversation. I asked you for evidence. Please provide.
I'm not interested in arguing with you about it. You won't be getting what you asked for.
Fair enough, but the reason I asked is because this kind of stuff makes the q research board look bad without evidence
Understood, but my point is that we go on faith for the vast majority of things that we believe are true. I don't think it makes us look bad to think outside the box and consider that there's just a epic magnitude of things we don't know about our planet, our existence, and our reality.