Our state of SC has blocked citizens from acquiring these records due to an opinion letter from the AG’s office prior to the 2020 election. The opinion states a concern that “individual voters’ cast ballots could be identified in violation of Article II, § 1, if cast ballots are subject to public inspection.” They also state that it would “fail to protect the secrecy of every vote cast.”
This argument is spurious however and suggests that they don’t understand the format of this common report. The request seems to assume that the public would be privy to the actual scanned image of the ballot which is not what the standard Cast Vote Record provides. We have samples of the report headers and in no way does it provide any Personally Identifiable Information.
Good idea - time to start digging
As I recall Mike had a contact for those who got pushback. I believe he said to contact them if the states won't/don't cooperate.
From SC Safe Elections:
Good luck - keep us posted