I was a self proclaimed atheist for almost all of my 20s. As well as heavily medicated for anxiety and depression (even misdiagnosed as bipolar at one point), I thank the Great Awakening for bringing me back to God. “Pray without ceasing.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:17
✝️ Scripture 🕊️
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My husband has done a lot of research into what could potentially cause stuff like this due to him being diagnosed with autism. We found anecdotes of people taking ivermectin/HCQ and finding relief from different psychological symptoms. The basic short version of it is that we are all full of parasites and affected by them differently and our diets that are typically high in sugar feed those parasites (which is why American diets seem to be so much different than everywhere else in the world and we have the highest population of people on meds).
In no way am I insinuating that this is a cure or that you should do this, only that if you are interested its worth a shot. Does he take zinc and vitamin D?
Do you know if he experienced any trauma or was he like that as an infant? I'm fascinated by stuff like this right now because I want to know what happened to us as a species and how much of it was caused by the people we are fighting. Like did germaphobia exist in ancient times?
I'm so sorry for what your son is having to suffer through. I hope somehow someway he is able to find relief someday.