My neighbor is 37, vaxed 3x, and recently home from hosp for neurological damage. He can’t drive and can bearly walk even with a Walker. Long-term prognosis is unknown. He has a 7 year old daughter and 5 year old son. Kids are also vaxed but ok so far.
It’s heart breaking watching him try to get from car to his house with his walker, wife struggling to help him and kids watching in horror.
He told me doctors say it was caused by long covid.
I know he and his wife know it’s the jabs but they will never admit it.
I’ll be a good neighbor and do all I can to help. But what happens next?
"Long covid" is the biggest gaslight of all. Long-jabbed more like it.
Never got the shot, have long covid. It's real and it sucks.
You likely have shedded particle exposure to those who were vaxxed. It's not "long COVID" per se. It's contamination by the vaxxed of the unvaxxed. Shedding is getting more and more proof in the med lit.