"Only in the book of Revelation does the reference to magic arts or sorcery take on an entirely new meaning! The word used throughout the book of Revelation is an altogether different Greek word than is used anywhere else in scripture. In Revelation 21:8 it is pharmakeus and in Revelation 22:15 it becomes pharmakos. Then in Revelation 9:21 and here in our text the word is pharmakeia. Obviously the prefix “pharma” reveals that the meaning of the word has something to do with drugs, as in the words “pharmaceutical,” “pharmacy,” and “pharmacist.” No other place in scripture, but in the book of Revelation, is the idea of “sorcery” associated with drugs! The three Greek words listed above are simply different forms of the same word denoting drugs and druggists. It identifies deadly poisons and those who either make or sell those deadly poisons. That is just what the words mean, nothing else. In the Greek language a Pharmacist is, therefore, a Sorcerer, a maker or a dealer, a vendor or a user of deadly poisons sometimes administered as medicines. Legal or illegal, in many cases they destroy the brain and other vital organs and systems, madden the user, and weaken and ruin the spirits, souls, and bodies of the countless millions who use them. If you doubt that practically all drugs are dangerous, deadly poisons that are, even at best, destructive to human life, just listen to the plethora of warnings and side effects at the end of most pharmaceutical ads on television! Oftentimes more seconds are spent on the warnings and side effects of the drug than on the actual promotional and beneficent content of the ad! That is the actual meaning of the words “Sorcerers” and “sorceries” in the book of Revelation. As a matter of scholarship it cannot be contested.
"The purpose of this message is not to attack drugs, medicines, or pharmacists. Let us keep our minds in the Spirit! Again I remind every reader of these lines that the Revelation is a spiritual book, and its realities are spiritual realities! No one knew better than the beloved John what, in its spiritual meaning, “drugs” signifies! The message is clear — it signifies the doctrines and teachings of religious Babylon which dull the spiritual senses of the Lord’s people and are destructive to true spiritual life, giving them a false hope, a mis-directed goal, and causing them to live by religious superstitions, myths, traditions, legends, and folklore. Doctrines about the power of the devil, financial prosperity, the rapture, so-called end-time events, the antichrist, the great tribulation, a mansion over the hilltop, along with holidays, rituals, ceremonies, sacraments, and a hundred more delusions drug God’s people into a spiritually hallucinogenic state. They live in a false, starry-eyed fairy-world of soulical imaginations which they suppose to be spiritual realities! Pleasure! Fun! Thrills! Excitement! are the result of a cunning spirit that saturates the church systems as they run after the “high” of soulical programs, concerts, fleshly manifestations, emotionally stirring singing, entertaining preaching — the same as any drug user in the world. God says that all nations are deceived by the “sorceries” or the “spiritual drugging” of Mystery Babylon!"
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"Here we have the great “Handel’s Messiah” of God’s elect! In recent years the word Hallelujah, or Alleluia, has disappeared from the Psalms in the King James Bible, and the phrase “Praise ye the Lord” has taken its place. However, it is still retained in the Revelation. Breaking down the word into its component parts, it becomes “Praise Yah,” or better yet, “Hail Yah,” and expresses a great sense of glorified reverence and gratitude. The first time the word is found in the Bible is in connection with the installation of the ark of God in the midst of Zion. David had ended his warfare, all his enemies had been defeated, the stronghold of Zion had been wrested from the Jebusites, and now the ark would rest in Zion and Yahweh would be exalted in their midst. David decided to have a choir in the midst of the worship of God and we read that “he appointed certain of the Levites to minister (in song) before the ark of the Lord, and to celebrate and to thank and hallelujah the God of Israel” (I Chron. 16:4, Literal). The ark of God was the symbol of Yahwey’s presence, power, victory, and glory among His people. Christ, of course, is the true ark, and as great Babylon is overthrown within and without, and Christ comes forth to take His rightful place in His people, all of God’s called and separated elect who dwell in the heavenlies, in the high places of the Spirit of the Lord, break forth in glad Hallelujahs. HAIL YAH! ALL HAIL TO THE CHIEF! That is the message! Oh, yes! Thus in this majestic chorus great joy is expressed for the overthrow of the carnal mind and all it has spawned in the earth. Hail Yah! For HE has done this by His mighty love, power, and purpose! To Him be the glory!"