"With these wonderful words John introduces the New Testament church to Old Testament understanding. For the first time in the book of Revelation, here at the very beginning, he is bringing the Old Testament literal types and shadows over into the New Testament fulfillment. The Old Testament was all about natural, physical, earthly types and shadows of kingship and priesthood. Their kings and priests sat on physical thrones and offered animal sacrifices upon brazen altars in temples made with hands. But now John is raising this kingship and priesthood into a higher, spiritual dimension and announces to the saints that Christ now “hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father.” With this simple beginning John does what we have seen him do constantly throughout the book of Revelation — refer to Old Testament terminology within the context of New Testament spiritual reality! And then, shortly, we are shown another scene."
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"Just the sound of the words “The marriage of the Lamb” brings great joy, excitement, and anticipation to my heart, as it should to every member of God’s elect. Beloved soul, we have rightly rejoiced in the beautiful truth of our brideship to Christ, however we must have anointed eyes to see and a quickened heart to understand that in the final analysis the bride, though beautiful and blessed beyond words to describe, is not the center of attention at the marriage of the Lamb. It is the Bridegroom who is exalted there! “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor unto HIM: for the marriage of THE LAMB is come…” It is not “the marriage of the bride” that is rejoiced in, but rather “the marriage of the Lamb.” It is the Lamb who brings the bride to His glory! It is the Lamb who loved her, and gave Himself for her! It is the Lamb who sanctifies and cleanses her with the washing of water by the word! It is the Lamb who presents her unto Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing…holy and without blemish. It is the Lamb who woos her and wins her! She takes His name, she walks in His paths, she shares His life, she is made one in Him. Oh, yes! Truly, it is GOD who worketh in you, beloved, both to will and to do of His good pleasure! It is CHRIST in your spirit who is drawing your soul, wooing you, and raising you up to live in Him! Thank God, we are not left to our own devices to try and find our place in Him. “Of Him, and through Him, and unto Him are all things!” It is the Lamb who has taken the initiative! It is the Lamb who has desired us, called us, proposed to us, planned for us, and determined the outcome. Therefore — it is the Lamb that is exalted — exalted by the bride at His side and exalted by the unnumbered millions who fill the universe with their paeans of praise! It is indeed wonderful!"