Certain segments of our military watched for years as good fighting men got chewed up for nefarious purpose or for no purpose, now they have organized and are fighting back. They chose Trump as their public face. They are washing out the bile and placing our country back onto the very foundation inwhich it had been toppled just as the Declaration of Independence had instructed. It is all being done by the book. Let's not "f" it up ever again. What an extraordinary gift.
Certain segments of our military watched for years as good fighting men got chewed up for nefarious purpose or for no purpose, now they have organized and are fighting back. They chose Trump as their public face. They are washing out the bile and placing our country back onto the very foundation inwhich it had been toppled just as the Declaration of Independence had instructed. It is all being done by the book. Let's not "f" it up ever again. What an extraordinary gift.