"Once again we must keep in mind that we are dealing here with a vision, with a picture which is highly symbolic. We cannot take the language of this passage literally without falling into all kinds of absurdities. What we have here is a highly symbolic picture of spiritual union with our Lord — the marriage of the Lamb. Should we try to take it literally we would see Jesus standing on a cloud with vast multitudes of saints standing before Him, while the Father, or an archangel, or one of the Patriarchs, or someone else recited the wedding vows. The marriage would then be followed by a great wedding feast of earthly food set upon tables stretching into infinity, followed of course by the final act of the drama — sexual union. Any thinking person knows that such is not the case! Ray Prinzing once expressed it this way: “It readily becomes an allegory, but for many it reaches only their natural mind to be viewed after the flesh. They talk of being a ‘bride,’ and see themselves someday walking down a pathway clothed in beautiful bridal attire, to where the Lord waits for them, and God performs the ceremony, and they, with Jesus, enjoy a thousand year honeymoon on the Beautiful Isle of Somewhere. How they think that this ‘individual ceremony’ shall be repeated innumerable times for every other member of this bride-company, I don’t know. And if they make it a great universal ceremony, just imagine the crowding in to be one of those ‘up front,’ with tens of thousands all around. So who is the selected one to walk hand in hand, while all the others yearn to touch Him too? Obviously all such thinking is of the carnal mind, relating, or trying to relate spiritual truth to natural conditions of this present world. No, we cannot do this, nor think of fulfillment in Christ according to the literalness of the flesh. But there are beautiful applications to be seen for spiritual reality, and we find much to be desired in this relationship with Christ.”
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"It is the Bridegroom who is exalted there! “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor unto HIM: for the marriage of THE LAMB is come…” It is not “the marriage of the bride” that is rejoiced in, but rather “the marriage of the Lamb.” It is the Lamb who brings the bride to His glory! It is the Lamb who loved her, and gave Himself for her! It is the Lamb who sanctifies and cleanses her with the washing of water by the word! It is the Lamb who presents her unto Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing…holy and without blemish. It is the Lamb who woos her and wins her! She takes His name, she walks in His paths, she shares His life, she is made one in Him. Oh, yes! Truly, it is GOD who worketh in you, beloved, both to will and to do of His good pleasure! It is CHRIST in your spirit who is drawing your soul, wooing you, and raising you up to live in Him!"