I have nearly all of Alan Wilson's books. He truly is a great historian that has uncovered the very censored true history of the Brits. The royal family aren't too pleased and have had his premises raided and his computers confiscated. Yet, he has provided astounding evidence that the detractors want to keep buried. There's far more to British history than what they want you to know. For one thing, there were two king Arthurs. Arthur II, son of King Meurig, and a sixth generation direct male descendant of Arthur I, is the Sixth Century Arthur of legend. King Arthur II later traveled to America after a devastating comet strike in 652 AD. How do we know this happened? Because the British manuscripts and the French records tell us this. Across the English channel, the French record of a great fire could be seen in Britain. The land was poisoned and contaminated nothing could live or grow for between seven and eleven years. All living things died of starvation or disease the unbreathable smoke would contaminate the lungs millions perished.
Having devastated much of Britain it crossed the Atlantic Ocean until it hit land again in South America. Causing havoc and destruction there too setting fire to trees and the great forests of the Amazon that would burn for days on end.
The vast forests would block out the sun and affect the climate. Smoke and debris would contaminate water as well.
Dr Victor Clube, Professor of Astrophysics at Oxford University, estimates this as having been an equivalent of a scatter of at least 100 Hiroshima-size atomic bombs. Unsurprisingly, great tracts of land were rendered uninhabitable and populations were wiped out, giving rise to subsequent literature relating to "The Great Wastelands" of Arthurian Britain, the "Yellow Plague" and the "Coming Of The Dragon". Seen in this context, all are symbolic of the same cataclysmic event…
Did you know comets were thought to be dragons European history? This is where the dragons of Great Britain became so inset in their custom and lore.
It was recorded the great king Arthur sent out his admiral to find new lands to settle. On his return from sea, he reported of a great land across the waters. A wealth of ancient manuscript evidence preserves the records of Madoc Morfran's voyages to Er-Yr meaning "towards that which is beyond", in search of new and habitable lands. Eryr means "land of eagles" and is usually attributed to Snowdonia in Gwynedd, but Er-Yr is, in fact, America. Madoc even brought a brown skinned man home with him in circa 572 AD.
The records tell of the great new lands across the Western ocean and, in 573, Admiral Gwenon was sent out to check Madoc's star reckonings, which were doubted. Gwenon returned, and a fleet of 700 ships was assembled. Khumric Brit shipbuilders were the best in the business and many ancient Khumric Kings fought wars of movement that relied upon their being able to move large numbers of troops and vast quantities of supplies from place to place. They were built for ocean going too. It was not uncommon to see ships that carried 100 to 150 people. Even Caesar wrote how impressive the Brit ships were and noted they were much larger than the Roman ships. These 700 ships sailed for Er-Yr in 574. Anyone having a negative knee jerk reaction to all this would do well to keep an open mind. The evidence for Madoc, son of King Meurig, brother of King Arthur ll, is formidable, to say the least. So also is the surviving physical evidence in both Britain and in North America.
The language is descended from Sumerian and later Egyptian. And probably Atlantis before that.
But these Welsh Indians talked of their ancient home in Wales, had a bible written in Welsh and were able to be understood by 18th century people who spoke Welsh.
I have nearly all of Alan Wilson's books. He truly is a great historian that has uncovered the very censored true history of the Brits. The royal family aren't too pleased and have had his premises raided and his computers confiscated. Yet, he has provided astounding evidence that the detractors want to keep buried. There's far more to British history than what they want you to know. For one thing, there were two king Arthurs. Arthur II, son of King Meurig, and a sixth generation direct male descendant of Arthur I, is the Sixth Century Arthur of legend. King Arthur II later traveled to America after a devastating comet strike in 652 AD. How do we know this happened? Because the British manuscripts and the French records tell us this. Across the English channel, the French record of a great fire could be seen in Britain. The land was poisoned and contaminated nothing could live or grow for between seven and eleven years. All living things died of starvation or disease the unbreathable smoke would contaminate the lungs millions perished.
Having devastated much of Britain it crossed the Atlantic Ocean until it hit land again in South America. Causing havoc and destruction there too setting fire to trees and the great forests of the Amazon that would burn for days on end.
The vast forests would block out the sun and affect the climate. Smoke and debris would contaminate water as well.
Dr Victor Clube, Professor of Astrophysics at Oxford University, estimates this as having been an equivalent of a scatter of at least 100 Hiroshima-size atomic bombs. Unsurprisingly, great tracts of land were rendered uninhabitable and populations were wiped out, giving rise to subsequent literature relating to "The Great Wastelands" of Arthurian Britain, the "Yellow Plague" and the "Coming Of The Dragon". Seen in this context, all are symbolic of the same cataclysmic event…
Did you know comets were thought to be dragons European history? This is where the dragons of Great Britain became so inset in their custom and lore.
It was recorded the great king Arthur sent out his admiral to find new lands to settle. On his return from sea, he reported of a great land across the waters. A wealth of ancient manuscript evidence preserves the records of Madoc Morfran's voyages to Er-Yr meaning "towards that which is beyond", in search of new and habitable lands. Eryr means "land of eagles" and is usually attributed to Snowdonia in Gwynedd, but Er-Yr is, in fact, America. Madoc even brought a brown skinned man home with him in circa 572 AD.
The records tell of the great new lands across the Western ocean and, in 573, Admiral Gwenon was sent out to check Madoc's star reckonings, which were doubted. Gwenon returned, and a fleet of 700 ships was assembled. Khumric Brit shipbuilders were the best in the business and many ancient Khumric Kings fought wars of movement that relied upon their being able to move large numbers of troops and vast quantities of supplies from place to place. They were built for ocean going too. It was not uncommon to see ships that carried 100 to 150 people. Even Caesar wrote how impressive the Brit ships were and noted they were much larger than the Roman ships. These 700 ships sailed for Er-Yr in 574. Anyone having a negative knee jerk reaction to all this would do well to keep an open mind. The evidence for Madoc, son of King Meurig, brother of King Arthur ll, is formidable, to say the least. So also is the surviving physical evidence in both Britain and in North America.
.....that just happened to speak welsh
The language is descended from Sumerian and later Egyptian. And probably Atlantis before that.
But these Welsh Indians talked of their ancient home in Wales, had a bible written in Welsh and were able to be understood by 18th century people who spoke Welsh.