I believe it was Kari Lake who said from the Pit to let 2020 go, and I was like...WHAT??
I do believe that the White Hats know precisely and exactly how to make sure every single future election goes exactly the way the voters wanted. They know they can't lose, and they want to rub the DS noses in deep shit enthusiastically by actually and truly voting them out the old fashioned way...
...thereby shocking the actual hell out of them and taking the country back, and potentially earning the people's trust in elections again (although that's a huge order).
What say you? Because I had hopes for August that are being dashed as I write, and I really don't care to take a dive into the pit of despair over it.
So how exactly? Are they doing this behind the scenes in secret? That seems like a pretty big problem if that is even possible.
Exactly how? No idea, myself...but the folks at True the Vote seem unnervingly confident about what they know and the tech they have to do what needs doing to make elections safe.
Which makes me think...wasn't there a Q post saying that elections are safe? Wonder what the delta on it is.
Not to mention my utter lack of understanding why, with the actual and growing mountains of evidence of fraudulent elections here and the world over...
Why have we not removed the Biden? All I can imagine is just like I said ~ nobody would be asking us to chill out about this unless things were in place for a sting of epic proportions and a setting right of our elections.
I admit to being shamelessly positive about things, but maybe that's a Human superpower that we haven't embraced yet...you know, the whole Quantum theory about a thing changing because we had a look at it.