magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

It really seems like some kind of disinformation campaign. Throw out a bunch of easily debunked narratives, so no one knows what the hell is going on.

magaphraust 2 points ago +2 / -0

And boy oh boy do reporters ask the dumbest questions I've ever heard.

cAn hArRis BeAt Trump?!

cAn haRriS bEAt Trump mR. prESidenT?!

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the people investigating were not themselves involved, all of this would be figured out by now

magaphraust 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah, I mean what are they going to say she meant? Reduce Pollution?

All these people have talked about reducing population, all their books talk about reducing population. They mean exactly what they say

magaphraust 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can you imagine where the country would be right now if MSM had journalistic integrity and was running operations like O'Keefe?

James is a true patriot, and I'm very grateful for all he does.

magaphraust 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not buying it. It implies that an AI of Joe is somehow very difficult or impossible to make. A model like that could easily be recreated by any state actors with enough resources. In fact making it of someone in the public eye with hundreds of hours of video and audio samples makes it that much easier to train and create an AI

magaphraust 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is a video of the rally, it's just zoomed into the water tower. You can see this video has 4 different zoom levels on it. The water tower is just the very upper left portion of the original video (hence why it is such low resolution)

magaphraust 2 points ago +2 / -0

That guys obviously is not familiar with firearms. Those first shots do not come the SS sniper on the roof, that is not what recoil looks like at all for a gun that size

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

I seem to remember a LOT of claims that the 2024 election was not even going to happen.. I could see that actually happening if suddenly the DNC candidate is a republican

magaphraust 13 points ago +13 / -0

Here's the text of the post if you wanted to check out any of those links

I have a theory about what may have caused the worldwide cyber issues we witnessed early this morning. Last night, there was an explosion in Tel Aviv: (https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-military-says-tel-aviv-blast-apparently-caused-by-drone-2024-07-19/).

The official narrative is that it was a drone launched by the Houthi from Yemen. The explosion was VERY large and damaged a building somewhat close to the U.S. Embassy building: (https://x.com/richimedhurst/status/1814248215354474554?t=1RRC30ksTuC0pfuZGCj6TQ&s=19) (https://x.com/SachaRoytman/status/1814110169862684698?t=s4n_k87-6_7OJ60IpLLmLA&s=19) (https://x.com/Kahlissee/status/1814130987011334583?t=m1eSEVAfgW1fH76J149SYA&s=19)

Now, earlier this year, Crowdstrike purchased an Israeli company known as Flow Security. Flow Security has connections to Western and Israeli intelligence services (as Crowstrike does, obviously) and they specialize in securing and monitoring cloud and endpoint data for sensitive industries like banking, airlines, healthcare, government, etc. You can read about the acquisition here: (https://www.bankinfosecurity.com/crowdstrike-to-buy-israeli-data-defense-vendor-flow-security-a-24527)

My theory is that this possibly wasn't some random terror attack by the Houthis, but rather a sophisticated and highly-targeted attack on a little-known data infrastructure building. Perhaps the Flow Security server/data center? The last time we saw internet and cyber outages on this scale was when the RV blew up the AT&T data center in Nashville. If you recall, that was one of places that the Snowden leaks revealed as a bulk data collection and surveillance hub used by the NSA. It also occurred right after the fraudulent 2020 Election and was suspicious because it played a warning in advance of the explosion telling people to leave the area (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/explosion-downtown-nashville-b1778909.html)

I suspect we're looking at another cleanup operation.

magaphraust 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't see this video as proof that there is more going on here... but I do think there is more going on here. That same thing has happened to me before, and it wasn't because I was nervous. But I do think there is additional shady-ness surrounding all this.

magaphraust 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey even the typo makes sense, it'd just be missing a "," in that case.

magaphraust 5 points ago +5 / -0

There's a bunch of reasons to protect your DNA.

What sucks, is even if you don't give any of these places your DNA, if any of your family did then they pretty much have yours too. They wouldn't have certain specifics about you, but they can tell a lot just by a close relative.

magaphraust 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean use your brain, where would the shot have to come from for those people to be "in the way"?

The shot came from Trump's right, plus he is elevated on a stage. Those people were not in the way. But yes that guy failed in his duty for not immediately moving to protect Trump

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looks like it hit the railing, so my guess is a combination of dislodged paint/dust and fragments of the bullet.

Regardless of smokeless gunpowder or not, the smoke does not travel with the bullet, it only travels like 10-20 feet from the barrel of the gun depending on what you're shooting. (Even smokeless still has smoke, just less)

magaphraust 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do feel really bad for the family of the victim though. It must be hard seeing all these comments of divine intervention or the hand of God deflecting the bullet, knowing that the same didn't happen for them 🙏😔

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

In other words, yes, a parasite needs a host, but in no way does a host need a parasite.

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm in no way disagreeing with you that ads make businesses money and are important to them. But you keep arguing about how great and necessary they are from a user perspective when that's just not true.

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

I block all ads, on all platforms. I don't watch TV. I don't listen to radio.

Yet I seem to be just fine finding and buying products I want. Unless it's some brand new technology, I know what exists.. in which case that would be news, and I'd find out that way.

magaphraust 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's funny to watch.

Why do they want Biden to drop out? Unfit?

If he's unfit, why the hell is he in charge of the country right now? They are trapped in their own web of lies.

magaphraust 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's a fine line between "trusting the plan" and being a sycophant, I don't think anyone wants to be the later, so I'll take your word for it. Respect

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

From the video I saw of the people that saw the shooter beforehand, they were on the opposite side of the building that the ladder was set up on. You can't even see the ladder from their vantage point. So what exactly do you expect them to do? Jump onto the roof of the building from the ground?

It also did not seem clear that they saw a gun, they just saw him. It would be pretty reasonable, if you did not see a gun, that the guy was just trying to get a better view. I've seen people do things like that at tons of venues, climbing up on things to get a better view.

In hindsight, sure they could have done more, but had it not turned out to be exactly what happened, any extreme action would seem pretty unreasonable.

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not to mention that that's exactly what happens to American citizens as well. You break the law and go to jail, you think they let you take your kids with you?

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