It still amazes me how dems will say on repeat "Trump is a threat to our democracy", while at the same time being okay with:
- Harris being installed as the nominee with no vote or anything
- Biden clearly having dementia, but pretending like he's capable of finishing his term. So obviously non-elected bureaucrats around him are calling the shots.
- All while the current administration is ceding American sovereignty to unelected entities like NATO and the UN.
- Endless funneling of money to the very corrupt Ukraine, who locks up political dissidents
- Flooding the country with illegal aliens, who are given tax payer resources and defacto allowed to commit crimes, and dems are trying everything in their power to grant citizenship to these people
- Poking the bear. The bear with nukes. The bear with nukes that's actually kind of justified in what they are doing.
Yeah remaining silent would be about the only ounce of respect I'd be able to muster for them too, and they don't even deserve that much
Taxing income should not even be a thing.. but it seems like the best way to game this law would be:
- Get minimum wage
- Then overtime pays 100x
- Limit overtime to whatever your "real" salary should be
- Profit (and the profit's tax free! 😜)
But seriously, I would love if this was one of the first steps to get rid of the unconstitutional income tax.
Just keep in mind that a "mistake" like this could also have been on purpose..
No doubt in my mind that 2016 was somehow safeguarded from cheating, which makes me think 2020 was allowed to happen. Here's for hoping 2024 is the end, or at least the beginning of the end, where God wins.
Is the video just missing context? I didn't hear anything saying J6 defendants are being "forced" to do this, just that it was available.
Not that's it's much better, just that stuff like gets gets "fact checked" all the time as false when some minor detail is embellished or overlooked, even though it's mostly all true.
The biggest part of this is when you look into the actual alleged crimes and cases you clearly see how full of BS they all are. If any/all of these people committed actual crimes, or did something to warrant actual probable cause worthy of jail time or further investigation, then that should happen. (Otherwise simply getting into politics would make you immune to any consequences of crime).
If President Trump does anything to these people, you better believe it will be for lawful and legitimate reasons.
I'd think that every major world super power already has remote charges on every under sea cable in existence, just in case.
I agree, but the blame is not 100% on Big Pharma, it's also the doctors
Whew, I'm glad I saw this, I was this close to voting for Trump /s
If you just accept the idea of a sanctuary city.. How do you go from "not reporting illegals to ICE" to "If you are here illegally you are allowed to commit any crime you want, up to and including homicide"?
If you just ignore any agendas around this and just take "We can't have elections because of the war we're in" at face value..
It still doesn't make sense. In the most extreme case, you would have elections and then if the person elected wasn't zelensky, then you'd just have a longer than normal transition period. His cabinet would simply stay on longer until the new person was brought up to speed. And maybe even keep zelensky around to advise.
Of course, the actually reasons this is happening is NOT what they say it is. All the actual reasons are due to corruption, and the need to keep money laundering active.
True, but I think the last time was just being sloppy. There are mathematical ways to do the same thing without raising any suspicion. (But I'm hopeful 2024 will be protected from that)
So far the climate scam is all about money and control. Vaccines however, are actually killing/injuring people, so I can understand why he focuses on that. You can't research and become an expert in everything, you ultimately need to defer to other people to become informed in other areas.
He could not have become this informed on Big Pharma without a LOT of research. So much research in fact, that I don't see how he could be this same level of informed on climate change.
- Stocks and investing can be very complicated and/or risky (by design)
- 401k's are a great way to save and invest for retirement.
- Firms like BlackRock "remove the complexity" so millions give them their money to manage.
- With all that capitol and power, BlackRock has leverage to force companies to tow the line.
- The actual owners of most of the money get NO say.
- This allows bankers to utterly ruin the economy, and it will never affect them. They just push global agendas and rake in the dough.
- The only alternative is for people to invest and mange their own money (which they often don't have the time or knowledge to do), while also losing out on any matching the employer makes.
- Thus to resist this, you have to actively hurt yourself financially (either by losing employer matching, or spending a lot of time educating yourself about investing)
“Research shows that many people in the US are overwhelmed by the abundance of online health information, especially when they are already ill, have questions, and need to make the best decisions for themselves and their loved ones” wrote Pfizer CEO
"So let us think and make decisions for you" - unsaid
Far right has been so overused and abused, that it means now is centrist or slightly right of center. These people have gone full communism, and everything that does not agree with them 100% is now "far right"
There are individuals who are unjustly arrested and persecuted, and that is who the dems trot out to justify these policies. But these individuals are NOT those people.
There are a lot of people in jail who do not deserve to be there, and there are a lot of people walking free that deserve to be in jail. Dems are purposely letting criminals loose to serve a political agenda. When President Trump says "They are emptying their jails, they are emptying their insane asylums", he's not wrong.
My heart goes out to the people and families that are utterly destroyed so that politicians can virtue signal. However I disagree with Elon's assessment, it's not because they vote dem, it's because they want chaos in the streets. They already have to cheat, a bunch of criminals here and there does not eliminate their need to cheat. It's all about the problem, reaction, solution paradigm.
Strangely the Kennedy family isn't so quick to throw him under the bus
That's just the number of corrupt individuals who either screwed up so royally that it wasn't worth protecting them, or they were falsely accused. All the rest are corrupt beyond measure, and know nothing is going to happen to them because the system is on their side
Trump suggests Gold Star Families to Blame for Arlington Cemetery Controversy
As far as I know the "controversy" is why the resident wasn't there instead of President Trump. The answer to that is because he was invited, and the resident couldn't care less.
So yeah, I guess Gold Star families are to blame, as in, they invited him and he showed up!
The difference between us and them (but I'll go ahead and just speak for myself):
If there was a social media platform that amplified and catered to straight up communists, I wouldn't call for it's ban. I'd simply mock and prove their ideas as idiotic. (Also lol, I guess that accurately describes 99% of social media)
They're not going to bother showing you clips about how "great" kamala is. They will simply tell you she is great, and those still asleep will march with that in lockstep
Socialists fail to take one very important fact into account.. Human Nature!
It does not matter how good a system could be "if everyone just did it, without abusing it". Because you will ALWAYS have people that abuse the system, then the people that see that feel hopeless, and abuse the system. So on and so on, until it collapses.
Throw in some rhetoric and WHY it's failing.. and then you get genocides.
Killing and/or infecting those around you is how you know it's working! Just think how much worse it could be /s