This past week GAW has been under heavy shill attack, pushing division on anything having to do with the pedo groomer issue. Too many pedes took their bait! Would you love to see fewer crazy/gay/whatever stickies on GAW? DEPORT! And leave the shills and other assorted losers to your mod team! THX!
💊 Toruble Maker 💊
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At first, I too failed to have faith in the mods here as well as the community. I saw this divisive tactic clearly and thought "How can you guys fall for this? It's clearly a distraction/division tactic to split us over this crap." I even pondered foolishly calling it out in a post.
Less than a day later I now see that I was wrong and while I know I'm not a mod or anything, I offer my sincerest apologies. You guys may entertain things I think are off sometimes, but it's moments like these that keep me around.
Y'all rock. Now let's get back to what we're best at!