A couple of videos with this gentleman:
This was also posted yesterday by another anon but it really does need eyes on, especially for the newer patriots here.
A couple of videos with this gentleman:
This was also posted yesterday by another anon but it really does need eyes on, especially for the newer patriots here.
Intriguing. The one thing I have noticed is that more and more, things are being brought out and thrown into the public arena - trans rights, abortion, gun incidents, rampant persecution of Trump, the vax, disintegration of foreign policy...the list goes on, and the country is becoming more and more divided in a way I have not ever seen in my lifetime. It's almost as if you let a pile of leaves and dry brush sit too long and there hasn't been any rain - one little spark, one flicked cigarette, one little ember is going to set the thing ablaze. The one thing that keeps creeping back in my head is the mantra "you can't just tell them, you have to show them."
The Devolution Series did it for me. Maybe other things will convince people, but it really doesn't matter as long as they wake up and see. It pains me to see all the suffering, vitriol, pain and anger, because I have seen the other side too - the beauty and pride that comes with being an American. More and more I understand when someone says "it had to be this way." I don't like that any more than anyone else does, but I do understand it.