posted ago by MyAquaEyes ago by MyAquaEyes +16 / -1

I worked for 18 years at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. I worked on a contract that New Mexico State University had with the Department of Defense. The contract was mostly computer operations covering business matters, data reports of NASA, Navy and Army launches of rockets and missiles, and military maneuvers. I held a SECRET clearance all that time. After you are investigated by (In my case, DISCO) you receive your clearance and you are briefed and you sign a briefing document which states that if you mishandle any classified material (confidential, secret, top secret) in any way (leaving it visible without a cover card stating the security level, discarding printing of classified material incorrectly (We had classified trash!!!), photographing or showing it to someone uncleared, even by accident, the penalty is $10,000 fine AND10 years in prison for each violation. One page is equal to one violation. If this material they photographed was indeed classified, they broke the law photographing it, mishandling it. On another note, they found HRC to have not committed a crime because she didn't intend to. In the briefing, all security briefings state that the mishandling of classified material, even inadvertently, is punishable by the same penalties. There is a two-tiered legal system, make no mistake.