Wouldn't the liberals be really confused right now...
Considering every MAGA American is comparing Biden to Hitler...
Who they think we idolize?
The Cognitive Dissonance is astonishing right now. They call us fascists, and here we are making fun of Biden for giving an unabashedly fascist speech by dressing him up as Hitler and Palpatine while PedoHitler is trending on Twitter...
I mean... how can a Lefty still look at these memes and continue to think we're racist, fascist, Nazi-lover white supremacists after that display of tyranny?
The only explanation I have is that they really, really need us to turn violent. Like, RIGHT NOW and the only way they think they can get that is to make us feel scared that "Dark Brandon" is coming.
I'm sorry, but the only thing "dark" about Brandon is the stain in his saggy old man diaper after the Alzheimer's meds flush the baby formula out of his colon.
Get your shit together, you inbred fags. This isn't intimidating. This isn't scary. This isn't even reverse psychology.
It's just embarrassing...
Can you really not do better than this crap?
Haven’t seen you around dude. Last I read you were on a sabbatical of sorts.
I had a discussion last night with a lefty buddy, he said “we just won’t agree, I think trump is part of a gang/mob, and you probably think the same about Biden.” I talk to him a bit and then asked how he thought printing so much money influenced inflation. He legit told me Biden has to deal with fall out from the last president. He ended the conversation, by saying he had to go to bed, after I asked if had any thoughts on what Biden was trying to hide by pumping money into Ukraine after being involved with energy companies there. Fun times we are living in.
I have never seen such a force to be reckoned with as with TDS. Normally thoughtful, smart individuals go absolutely crazy in the blink of an eye. I do not get it.
I imagine the cognitive dissonance like building a muscle that hitherto was never used. The pain they must be going through.... I do not envy them.
That probably is their plan,but no one watched his speach,everyone on both sides know he is an idiot and has dementia on top of that.