This is super important stuff. I was over in Belgium at the time of the White March, the huge protests going down about this. I had no idea what was really going on, then. When it dawned on me (via the Podesta emails on r/DNCLeaks) back in 2015, after picking myself up off the floor, I spent all day, every day, on Twitter, hitting the 1000 tweet limit (some days), trying to get #PizzaGate started. Looks like it worked.
This is super important stuff. I was over in Belgium at the time of the White March, the huge protests going down about this. I had no idea what was really going on, then. When it dawned on me (via the Podesta emails on r/DNCLeaks) back in 2015, after picking myself up off the floor, I spent all day, every day, on Twitter, hitting the 1000 tweet limit (some days), trying to get #PizzaGate started. Looks like it worked.
Amazing! I was asleep at that time. Did not start waking up until I listened to the Intellectual Dark Web.
It’s painful but I believe these stories need to be made known. Putting our heads in the sand does not help these children.