"The United States of America, in its capacity as a prior defendant in this litigation through the U.S. Department of Defense and as an interested party in regard to the protective order entered at ECF No. 253, hereby requests a 30-day extension of time, until October 6, 2022, in which to respond to the motion to intervene and to lift protective order, ECF No. 1216, filed by non-party Michael J. Lindell. Under the Court’s local rules, the response to that motion is currently due September 6, 2022."
Link to 09/01/22 DoJ request to extend time to respond to Lindell motion:
Links to original Montgomery v eTreppid lawsuit (during which DNI/DoD gag order granted under States Secrets doctrine) and recent Lindell motion to lift gag order.
Full Docket / Montgomery vs Trepp 01/31/06 - 08/26/22
Above link contains following documents of current import to Lindell motion:
Memorandom In Support Of Motion To Intervene And To Lift Protective Order
Declaration of Michael Lindell
Exhibit A - Dominion vs Lindell Lawsuit
Declaration of Dennis Montgomery
At least a couple of folks have tried to warn Mike in the past about the patently fraudulent conman that is Dennis Montgomery, but he will not have it. And he also used Montgomery's deep state reporter fraud, Mary Fanning, for his first election documentary at the end. These folks are no good. The fact that Montgomery is gushed over by many here on this post and others tells me you all haven't seen any of the evidence brought against Dennis on his Hammer and Scorecard claims, including unsigned FBI 302 forms. I hope this doesn't backfire on Mike, but he would be wise to do some listening as well.
Always open to new information.
If possible, please provide sources (links to documentation, not FBI 302s or newspaper articles) for evidence Montgomery is a fraud and conman.
Original sources and their contexts are important in evaluating allegations of this nature.
In the meantime, seems counterproductive on Lindell's part to file a motion to get the States Secret gag order on Montgomery lifted. That would mean Montgomery would no longer be barred from testifying in court and consequently subject to charges of perjury. Lindell has stated he had the PCAP data evaluated three times over by some of the nation's top cyber security experts. It would seem it would be one thing for Montgomery to con Lindell (who is no cyber expert), but what about all the experts Lindell hired to validate PCAP data. Has Montgomery conned them as well?
Not to mention the exposure to potential charges of perjury as a number of these cyber experts have filed declarations in support of motions and cases in several states (three more scheduled to be filed next week TX, SC, AL and possibly LA) and to which the Montgomery data and testimony could be included as soon as the gag order is lifted.
Seems everybody pushing for transparency and a day in court to prove their case using Montgomery as an expert witness is a fraud and a conman and everybody pushing to keep Montgomery from testifying is not. Quite a conundrum, that.
Dominion and ES&S (plaintiffs) recently argued for a prohibition of any current or former employee being allowed to testify for the defense in their slander case against Mike Lindell and MyPillow (defendants). Seeing a pattern develop in these cases of blocking witnesses from testifying.
Hell... even the President of The United States told us that anyone doubting the integrity of the 2020 election was a threat to national security. Must be true because the President of The United States said it on TV.
Like the Halderman Report detailing all the technical vulnerabilities of electronic voting equipment being held hostage by Judge Totenberg (sealed for over a year) in Georgia at the behest of the DoJ, it seems the Government is trying very hard to keep Montgomery testifying in court for as long as possible.
If Montgomery is a fraud and conman, why would the government care if he perjured himself in open court and proved himself a fraud and conman?
Exhibit 1: https://odysee.com/@Crowdsourcethetruth:d/the-intelligence-assessment-with-kevin-2:9
There are a number of others, but this one encapsulates things nicely. Hopefully a direct source fulfills your criteria that you wanted.