posted ago by MAG768720 ago by MAG768720 +34 / -0

For those here who want to dig deeper into the lies presented by mainstream (i.e. government-funded) science, these are some pretty damning video presentations.

Forget that PCR is not a valid diagnostic tool (it is not), but it might not even be a valid replication tool, either:


Digging even deeper, recent findings show that DNA is NOT the same in every cell in the body -- and "Does DNA really exist?" turns out to be a valid question, too. DNA follows the same fake science as PCR and viruses -- NOTHING is taken directly from the human body to be studied, but rather ALL of it is a MIXING of human tissue with chemicals that do not exist in the body -- and then the final product is ASSUMED to have some sort of profound meaning.


In part of that 2nd video, Stefan Lanka explains that 25 geneticists at UC Berkley could not figure out a simple question: "What is a gene?" Their meeting ended in shouting and accusations, and no science. He says that geneticists have disproven their own theories, but have not told virologists or the public.

This would mean that DNA tests, paternity tests, forensic criminal DNA tests, genetic ancestry tests, so-called genetic illnesses ... are ALL suspect as being completely bogus and not scientific in any way.

Mind-blowing stuff.