Same dude, for me it was the 2016 election. I was a huge Bernie bro, thinking we should get rid of the electoral college because it's not "fair" that more people voted for someone over the other and still loose. I realized later thats what are founders intended. Don't want the majority always ruling the minority. The reason I started questioning it is when the fake news reported that Trump called all Mexicans rapist. I was gobsmacked that a running future president would say that. So I did my own research and looked at the actual video. At the time most of the news sources were pre selectively editing clips to only show one part of the context. I was studying/trying to be in film at the time so I knew how easy it is to manipulate a video, so I searched up the actual video and watch the segment in its entirety. I was blown away because he never said that, he was calling the cartel that. Once I saw that the media lied to me about this, I started thinking what else have they been hiding from me. And that's when I went down the rabbit hole to be redpill lol
Same dude, for me it was the 2016 election. I was a huge Bernie bro, thinking we should get rid of the electoral college because it's not "fair" that more people voted for someone over the other and still loose. I realized later thats what are founders intended. Don't want the majority always ruling the minority. The reason I started questioning it is when the fake news reported that Trump called all Mexicans rapist. I was gobsmacked that a running future president would say that. So I did my own research and looked at the actual video. At the time most of the news sources were pre selectively editing clips to only show one part of the context. I was studying/trying to be in film at the time so I knew how easy it is to manipulate a video, so I searched up the actual video and watch the segment in its entirety. I was blown away because he never said that, he was calling the cartel that. Once I saw that the media lied to me about this, I started thinking what else have they been hiding from me. And that's when I went down the rabbit hole to be redpill lol