"As the Father opens His Book of Life — which Book we are — He is actually sending forth the Spirit of His Word in a triumphant overflowing which will not cease until every valley has been filled and every hill has been made level, till our heavens and our earth have been purged from every stain of pollution and every heart beats in unison with the heart of God. This is CHRIST THE CONQUEROR!"
"In order for Christ to be fully revealed in us, these negative attributes of the carnal nature and human consciousness must be effectively dealt with. Before the One who has purchased us for the base of His operation can take full possession of His inheritance in us there must be the dispossession of all that hinders the expression of the spirit. Just as the children of Israel were commanded to utterly destroy the inhabitants of Canaan — those occupying the land belonging to another — so must the giants that possess our land be conquered and driven out! This, dear ones, IS THE MINISTRY OF THE FOUR HORSEMEN!"
Much more in the link:
"The message of the book of Revelation does not reveal doctrine; it reveals essence, nature, substance, purpose, dealings, energy, and generation. It reveals not just a word about God, but it yields the experiencing of Him. The book of Revelation shows us the only thing that is going to be revealed, and that is the person of Jesus Christ! It is not the teaching of a doctrine, but the unveiling of a Person! This can only be done by the Spirit! Christ is a spiritual reality, therefore the book of Revelation is a SPIRITUAL BOOK!"
"Those who do not understand this as the revelation of Jesus Christ, assuming the interpretations and speculations of carnal-minded theologians and Bible teachers, view the white horse of chapter six of the Revelation as the antichrist, the red horse as war, the black horse as famine, and the pale horse as pestilence, poverty, and death. But how can that be when this book is to make us blessed, when the message and events of this book are given to make us happy! If this is the unveiling of Jesus Christ — are antichrists, tyranny, wars, bloodshed, torment, famines, pestilence, poverty, and death what Jesus Christ is all about? Is that the revelation of Him? There is no way this book can be interpreted according to current events or what is happening out there in the world that doesn’t even know Jesus Christ!"