Government Explained...The Supreme Court ruined America. Here’s how.
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Since the federal government has not followed the constitution, it has abolished itself.
We need states to recognize that fact.
Or rather, the people.
...that is going to be a very hard row to hoe....
FTA: Remember the real system of checks and balances: It isn’t between different parts of the federal government; it’s between federal government and state governments. That was supposed to be our guarantee of limited government. Without that counterbalance, there’s nothing to stop the federal government from running away with the whole show. It’s time for the states to do their part.
But the fed bought them hook, line and sinker with its numerous handouts for compliance. Now they're mostly compliant. is up to you and I to change that....
There are powerful forces arrayed on the other side,whose very existence depends upon their continued ability to fleece the sheep.They won't relinquish power or control easily. Taking back the system has to begin somewhere and the starting point is for the People to record affidavits into the county record with copy to the government, which then become the basis for prosecuting actions in law. An affidavit, properly recorded, holds as much sway as a grand jury indictment.
...this information needs to be shared....
...please gather information on this process and send it to me in a message and we will include it in Unleashed....
That isn't as easy as one would wish, as it is very complex.
The best thing people can do is absorb it..research it.. and learn about it