This is a continuation of the discussion started in Part I...
Divided you are weak.
Can't you see? I'm the system, my whole purpose is divide
What you choose will never matter because everything is mine
We are a wounded humanity at present; wounded by the crimes of the Cabal that have torn into the soul of humanity, and twisted our very essence into an unrecognizable state. Many of our brothers and sisters across the world are in a poor state of mental health, even those who claim otherwise. We have been brought to this weakened state by the Cabal, and the only way for humanity to heal is to confront our demons, reject the ways of the Cabal, and embrace each other as one people with one destiny. Where we go as one, we indeed go all together.
Seek today on this labor day to strengthen the ties to your friends, family, coworkers, and community. Look to build new bonds of comradery wherever you can, and continue ever more to build bridges to those still trapped in the situational designs of the Cabal.
When seeking to Red Pill others, do so with love and humanity. As tempting as it may be, seek not ridicule or cast shame on those under the spell of the Cabal, for this is just what the Cabal would want us to use our energies for. As Jesus Christ once said, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone." We must rise above the petty ways of the Cabal if we are to strengthen ourselves for the great task of rebuilding our nation and the world beyond.
Divided you pose no threat to their system of control.
Can you feel it?
What you sense is fear, but not ours.
For the first time history, the Cabal is frightened. Their system of control is threatened by the growing unity of humanity. Growing ever more in the court of public opinion is the general sentiment that there is something terribly wrong with our world. Anons understand the source of this discomfort, Patriots are beginning to see as well, and the Normies of the world can sense change in the winds of fate as the ground beneath their feet begins to shift. The mass conscience of humanity is slowly coalescing and resolving around the truth that all of humanity is the target of a great war being waged by a small group of tyrants who only hold the illusion of power and control.
"Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love."
"You are protected, in short, by your ability to love!’ said Dumbledore loudly. ‘The only protection that can possibly work against the lure of power like Voldemort's!"
- Albus Dumbledore -
The Cabal fears a united humanity. They fear our ability to forgive each other, and resolve our differences. The only emotions the Cabal understand are fear and hatred. They cannot understand the power that love and compassion can have in breaking their illusions and spells. Make no mistake, we are all going to have to work on our ability to forgive those who have wronged us, and learn again how to love those we have merely perceived as our enemies.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
- Matthew 5:43-48 -
Translation: "Be excellent to each other, and party on dudes!"
Divided we fall.
A divided humanity will indeed fall to the designs of the Cabal, but in order for that to be true logic dictates that the inverse must also be true. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and therefore a united and rocksteady humanity will inevitably lead to the Fall of the Cabal.
The Cabal's day of reckoning approaches swiftly, and we as a united humanity must decide upon what kind of people we are to becoming in the absence of the Cabal. It would do us no good to throw off the shackles of the Khazarians, only to remain imprisoned by the hatred that has been instilled upon us for thousands of years. We are about to inherit a great power that was stolen from us many generations ago. As the saying goes, with great power there must also come great responsibility; the responsibility to shape our own destinies.
This labor day, let us meditate upon the direction our labors will lead us in the coming decades in the aftermath of the Fall of the Cabal. Use these threads to discuss where humanity should go from here. What is your vision for the future of humanity? Where do you see us in the next 100 years? Our future will be shaped by the visionaries of today, and we must decide upon what kind of world we want to leave behind for our children and grandchildren. What will our descendants be writing about our present time hundreds of years from now?
- Qanaut -
Please sticky. Great reading so far. Thanks for your work Qanaut.