posted ago by Uncle_Fester ago by Uncle_Fester +23 / -0

The Truth About Carbon-Based Fuels


We do not use carbon-based fuels because we're pigs.

We use them because they are wildly less-expensive, easy to package, emit enormous amounts of energy for their mass and volume by comparison to all other means of energy storage other than nuclear, are thus easy to transport to where they're needed compared against all others and can be stored without material degradation for significant periods of time.

Europe...bought into the crap run by a teenager with no more grasp of the complexity of what she was screaming about than a two year old who just was told they couldn't have another candy bar. How did it turn out? How many tens of millions of people will go broke or even freeze to death this coming winter...

[This] is fact, it is happening now and, due to the decisions made over the last several years that are irreversible in a short period of time the consequences for Europe are going to occur, like it or not, starting within the next few months!