That's always the problem. Thanik you sleepydude for all your effort. I am definitely reading your posts and comments on regular base, its a trove. A part of me wants that knowledge to absorb. All of it. On the other hand, the deeper I go, the more frightening it gets. Scared shitless I'd say. That makes the pace slower, this and the need to ingest it all slowly to properly feel and understand the topic. There's always a layer that goes unexplored, and it makes the world around feel like a strange and interwoven place connected all over, and you never knew.
That's always the problem. Thanik you sleepydude for all your effort. I am definitely reading your posts and comments on regular base, its a trove. A part of me wants that knowledge to absorb. All of it. On the other hand, the deeper I go, the more frightening it gets. Scared shitless I'd say. That makes the pace slower, this and the need to ingest it all slowly to properly feel and understand the topic. There's always a layer that goes unexplored, and it makes the world around feel like a strange and interwoven place connected all over, and you never knew.