Believe this? Brian Cates asked his Telegram group: 👉 "Tell me you are an anon without directly saying it." 👈 And check out the replies! GAW is the place everyone comes when something big goes down! A huge THANK YOU to our re/decoders and researchers for your dedication!!

I have a Telegram account, but I don't go there much. This place is my go-to for both sharing things and gathering the very most current habbenings...
...not to mention the top shelf memery and comedy gold that you all bring to the table, the guidance from various (fill-in-the-blank fags), AND the solidarity we enjoy, even though we've never met. I appreciate the Mods very much, and ~
I actually Love you all. History will be most kind to we who see, we who share intel with those of an open-minded nature, and we who share the memes that wake up the sleepy.
I am most grateful for the experience here, even moreso than at the QRV.
Well said! I concur.