The queen was part of the black nobility. Her father was a grandmaster freemason..her cousin Duke of Kent is now the head of freemasons
She headed up bilderberg group for a while. She gave up her coronation vows within three days...
She and Philip picked out some children who were never seen again...court case and a warrant for her arrest issued and his.
She as the queen would have had to be informed by MI6 and 5 about anyone who came in her range so she had to know what saville was like as did Chuckie...
She had to know what satanic rituals her son's were doing on Epstein island...
She had to know what lord Mountbatten got up to with boys on his yacht...
They had to know Jimmy saville was into necrophilia and was given the keys to several hospitals and access to the morgues.
She had to know her son wanted Jimmy saville to be godfather to his children
She was very wealthy in her own right by illegal means
?there was a court case against her in South Africa just last year..she thieved a lot of gold etc. She was found guilty
She had to know what the Middleton 'girls' really are and that Katy's sister married very high up in black nobility..higher than the queen..a Percy.
The queen mother was as depraved as the rest of them...they all loved jimmy saville and I am sure he fixed a lot for them...jimll fix it indeed.
I could fill up pages
The queen was part of the black nobility. Her father was a grandmaster freemason..her cousin Duke of Kent is now the head of freemasons
She headed up bilderberg group for a while. She gave up her coronation vows within three days...
She and Philip picked out some children who were never seen again...court case and a warrant for her arrest issued and his.
She as the queen would have had to be informed by MI6 and 5 about anyone who came in her range so she had to know what saville was like as did Chuckie... She had to know what satanic rituals her son's were doing on Epstein island...
She had to know what lord Mountbatten got up to with boys on his yacht...
They had to know Jimmy saville was into necrophilia and was given the keys to several hospitals and access to the morgues.
She had to know her son wanted Jimmy saville to be godfather to his children
She was very wealthy in her own right by illegal means
?there was a court case against her in South Africa just last year..she thieved a lot of gold etc. She was found guilty
She had to know what the Middleton 'girls' really are and that Katy's sister married very high up in black nobility..higher than the queen..a Percy.
The queen mother was as depraved as the rest of them...they all loved jimmy saville and I am sure he fixed a lot for them...jimll fix it indeed. I could fill up pages
You should - you are off to a good start. Maybe start a new thread and throw in a little sauce.