Well there’s been massive protests recently over plans to confiscate a huge number of farms in the name of “nitrogen emissions reduction,” which is just a cover for NWO plans to create a mega-city to concentrate the Benelux countries into one giant city-state which will be the NWO capitol. So who knows maybe there’s something else going on and these overlords are being neutered one way or another, the green light for it being the protests as it shows the majority of the population is against them, and monitoring of their whereabouts is part of that? Maybe just wishful thinking but interesting.
Interesting in light of the farmers' protests going on there atm.
What do you mean?
Well there’s been massive protests recently over plans to confiscate a huge number of farms in the name of “nitrogen emissions reduction,” which is just a cover for NWO plans to create a mega-city to concentrate the Benelux countries into one giant city-state which will be the NWO capitol. So who knows maybe there’s something else going on and these overlords are being neutered one way or another, the green light for it being the protests as it shows the majority of the population is against them, and monitoring of their whereabouts is part of that? Maybe just wishful thinking but interesting.
Speaking of, major movement of military planes above Europe. Doing a post on it. Thanks for the additional info. Sure sounds like something is up.
Ah good, we love our planefags