The PCR tests and swabs were made by a company called Illumina. They had nothing to do with China. Granted China does also seems to be taking full advantage of the fake plandemic to purge dissidents and clamp down control on their people, but this isn't because of muh China. Everything you post reads like glowie disinfo shit, including your hellofellowpatriots user name.
With a pitance of research, it's clear that Illumina aren't the only ones making tests, and were never the first to make them. Crossreference this list, and this list, and it's clear that PCR is made by a variety of differing companies, some of whom were faster than Illumina by a couple months. And, according to the horse's mouth, Illumina does not make PCR tests, they make sequencing tests. These sequencing steps use PCR as an processing step, but differ from the normal PCR tests by way of using a genetic sequencing machine to come up with a result, versus the primers and dye approach of normal PCR.
FYI, screaming "Glowie!11!" while pushing bad info isn't a good look.
Same here. I didnt want anything from ching chong china in my nose.
The PCR tests and swabs were made by a company called Illumina. They had nothing to do with China. Granted China does also seems to be taking full advantage of the fake plandemic to purge dissidents and clamp down control on their people, but this isn't because of muh China. Everything you post reads like glowie disinfo shit, including your hellofellowpatriots user name.
With a pitance of research, it's clear that Illumina aren't the only ones making tests, and were never the first to make them. Crossreference this list, and this list, and it's clear that PCR is made by a variety of differing companies, some of whom were faster than Illumina by a couple months. And, according to the horse's mouth, Illumina does not make PCR tests, they make sequencing tests. These sequencing steps use PCR as an processing step, but differ from the normal PCR tests by way of using a genetic sequencing machine to come up with a result, versus the primers and dye approach of normal PCR.
FYI, screaming "Glowie!11!" while pushing bad info isn't a good look.
Post of the day, and you got the attention of the mouth breathers, congrats!
Lol. Ya exactly.