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minus one threat the replication thing, though i read here and watched a video explainiing the spike protein or whatever it is , is biotech, as in join together to create some kind of nanomachine, they acquire and download programs via 5 g and that gives them commands to join and become something like a parasite or a antena, or kill someone again via signal, by releasing graphene as a free radical the enemy is the vacines, the 5g, and the new world order unless i am forgetting something. the real cover up was the 5 g that is poisonous as well and dificult to deal with, because we also need the internet to get information and comunicate i am dealing with it by shutting off everthing eletronic at night to sleep and keeping celphones either shutted down or away from were i and my mother sleep, that's all i can do. looking to find electromagnetic shielding too for the electric stuff in my house. dunno if there is anything else i can do.