And, last I checked, 3 of 5 nations in the Five Eyes network are under the legal jurisdiction of the Royal Crown.
I'm not going a least not yet. But I probably will, after I have been subjected to a whole week of pro-queen, blathering propaganda. Ya know what I'm sayin'?
She didn't have the power to do this, she didn't have very much power at all.
Her voice alone would have been all the power that was needed. Her voice stating that the crown stands with their American allies, and the president of the US, (Trump) and against the slanderous lies that one (and more) of HER SUBJECTS, Christopher Steele leveraged to cause so much harm.
She didn't do it. Nobody from the royal family did it. And the new cocksucker king isn't going to do it either. They are all complicit with what happened. And that fact calls into question the role of the monarchy concerning those devastating, and slanderous lies.
When is the royal crown going to publicly, and vocally denounce their subject, Christopher Steele for the central role he played in the Russiagate conspiracy?
She was not allowed to speak on any political matters at all and future monarchs will have to do the same.
But I'm pretty sure that the monarchy is funding a lot of the media propaganda outlets, either directly, or indirectly, that were spreading Steele's slander to every corner of the globe.