Did you see the videos?
I'm not a shill, I am a Tesla investor so I know that company inside and out.
This post is so fucking stupid, it's giving me hemorroids.
There are too many of these FUD stories making their way around here. I started to respond to them nicely and now it's a a point that the people that keep pushing them are morons.
Many of these stories get started by TSLAQ
Basically, companies are popping up that are in the battery recycling business. They recycle all of the materials.
Shills should be more polite.
Did you see the videos? I'm not a shill, I am a Tesla investor so I know that company inside and out. This post is so fucking stupid, it's giving me hemorroids.
Keep spreading EV FUD faggot
So tell us,how to recycle the battery's then no one was talking about recovering lithium only. Their is a lot more to the battery than that..
And no I don't have time for all the good vidios I'm not watch a bunch of Fud vidios from shills.
Tossing down vidios or links is not an argument,explain it in your own words.
and FYI calling frens idiots,is outing yourself as a shill.
Tesla co-founder company:
There are too many of these FUD stories making their way around here. I started to respond to them nicely and now it's a a point that the people that keep pushing them are morons. Many of these stories get started by TSLAQ
Electric cars will be used to control the people that's why they are being pushed so hard. And that is why they are not popular around here.
Sell your stock,and buy company's that support America,not globalhomo.
Global warming is a scam and fraud on the people.