Chickens…? Eggs.? Simplest way to store unlimited supply of protein. Not against canned goods and have many for short term but a longer term plan is quite easy with chickens.
Our hens have slowed down on the egg production, so we are looking into getting chicks. Our buddy gave us the hens we have, almost 2 years ago, so we have never raised them from chicks before.
If we are successful with the chicks, I want to start raising some meat birds as well. I just can't name them or I won't be able to eat them 😂
Chickens are so vital to have! I have layers for egg production, and we raise two batches (25 each) of cornish cross rock for meat birds. 7 weeks start to finish for each batch. I receive my day old chicks, over-night at the post office. i keep them in a brooder box for 3 weeks. 4'x8' Brooder box that I condense down to 4'x4' with heat lamp, pine shavings, food and water for the first week and a half, then open up so they have more room for the next week and a half. Jumbo Cornish cross rock grow very quickly, by three weeks I move them outside in a chicken tractor that has wheels and is 6'x10'. The chicken tractor is moved out on pasture 3 times a day so my chickens are happy with fresh air, fresh salad bar, clean water and NONGMO Organic feed from an amish distributor. The birds are full size by 7 weeks and week process them ourselves with a complete chicken processing equipment from Freezers are full, the best chicken you will ever taste. i serve them their every need for 7 weeks and they are happy every day of their life. They in turn provide for us, some of our food for at least a year. 50 chickens 1/week. i would be happy to share with you answers to any questions you might have. Hope this helps. God Bless
Chickens…? Eggs.? Simplest way to store unlimited supply of protein. Not against canned goods and have many for short term but a longer term plan is quite easy with chickens.
Our hens have slowed down on the egg production, so we are looking into getting chicks. Our buddy gave us the hens we have, almost 2 years ago, so we have never raised them from chicks before.
If we are successful with the chicks, I want to start raising some meat birds as well. I just can't name them or I won't be able to eat them 😂
Chickens are so vital to have! I have layers for egg production, and we raise two batches (25 each) of cornish cross rock for meat birds. 7 weeks start to finish for each batch. I receive my day old chicks, over-night at the post office. i keep them in a brooder box for 3 weeks. 4'x8' Brooder box that I condense down to 4'x4' with heat lamp, pine shavings, food and water for the first week and a half, then open up so they have more room for the next week and a half. Jumbo Cornish cross rock grow very quickly, by three weeks I move them outside in a chicken tractor that has wheels and is 6'x10'. The chicken tractor is moved out on pasture 3 times a day so my chickens are happy with fresh air, fresh salad bar, clean water and NONGMO Organic feed from an amish distributor. The birds are full size by 7 weeks and week process them ourselves with a complete chicken processing equipment from Freezers are full, the best chicken you will ever taste. i serve them their every need for 7 weeks and they are happy every day of their life. They in turn provide for us, some of our food for at least a year. 50 chickens 1/week. i would be happy to share with you answers to any questions you might have. Hope this helps. God Bless
Do you have a Rural King nearby? If you don't want to mailorder, they have chicks pretty much all the time.
If food is scarce and people are panicking, those chickens will need a fortress to protect them.