With apologies to our based GAW lady frogs, but, after watching CDC director Rochelle Walensky
look right into the camera and say "My message is simple: It is essential that these Americans get their second booster shot right away," WHELP, I'll go ahead and be the one to say it:
卐 - NAZI BITCH! - 卐

Women have been the root cause of problems since Eve. They always strive to override men. Even God. The more I live under women leadership the more mysoginist i become. I believe woman need to follow the role God has designed for them for us to be successful as a people. Plain and simple. I totally agree with you and just for reference, I too and a multiple degree holding women having worked in the tech field for 40 years. Many in management at fortune 100 companies. A very awakening career in the light of today.
Again, wow - agree to disagree with the misogyny.
Are you a woman? Did you come up during the days of feminism? As a young women did you see families destroyed by the siren call of equality? Have you watched men be emasculated through pure propaganda and try to raise a son through "girl power"? Not to even mention were we are today. You be you but frankly I'm tired of the lies. God designed us differently because we are different and notnonevis better than the other? Women need to let men be the men and regain their pride in who they are.